Blog Wunderwork

Expert articles about IT freelance jobs, impact topics and motivation

Here you'll find inspiring stories, valuable tips and the latest news about the world of IT freelancers and impact projects. Discover how our community is changing the world through technological innovations and be inspired by our expert contributions. Stay up to date and dive into the world of!

Are freelancers an asset or a threat to corporate culture?

Entdecken Sie, wie spezialisierte Freelancer in den Bereichen KI, Cybersecurity und Cloud Computing Ihr Unternehmen voranbringen können und welche Strategien helfen, ihre Integration nahtlos zu gestalten.
Dr. Philipp Goos

Top Impact Jobs Freelancer - For meaningful and flexible work

Learn how you can work flexibly and improve the world as a freelance impact worker. Discover inspiring projects and use specialized job boards and networks for your success.
Dr. Philipp Goos

Freelance jobs: Why is an IT freelancer often the best choice?

With their flexibility, cost efficiency and specialized skills, tech freelancers offer companies an ideal solution for overcoming technical challenges, particularly in dynamic and project-based environments.
Dr. Philipp Goos

Motivation beats skills in software development

Motivation surpasses technical skills in software development as a success factor for Innovation and results
Dr. Philipp Goos